
I welcome media inquiries and speaking engagements on a variety of topics related to sustainability and the environment. I can be contacted directly at [email protected]

Media Highlights by Topic

Green Products & Sustainable Lifestyles

Related Research Projects

“What do we really need as a society? What do we really value? Chances are, it’s not stuff.”

WEMU NPR Morning Edition interview

WEMU Morning Edition | Jan 17, 2024

Issues of the Environment: Improving home and community sustainability efforts in Washtenaw County

CNN | Apr 24, 2023

14 sustainable products that can help you save money

Popular Science | Sep 1, 2022

Should we switch from petroleum ink to soy-based ink?

Plastic and Packaging

Related Research Projects

“As a consumer, what we’re left with is the visible waste in front of us, and that often tends to be packages and plastics. But the impact of packaging, in general, is much, much smaller than the product itself.”

Washington Post interview
NPR | June 9, 2024
Creating a throw-away culture: How companies ingrained plastics in modern life
USA Today | Feb 17, 2024
Plastic bag bans have spread across the country. Sometimes they backfire.
KUNC NPR Radio| Jan 1, 2024
In 2024, single-use plastics are out. What Coloradans replace them with could make the difference.

BBC | Nov 5, 2023

Plastic or paper? The truth about drinking straws

Nature World News | Mar 27, 2023

Refill Shops: Customers Bring Their Own Containers Ranging From Used Jars to Tupperware To Reduce the Use of Disposable Containers
Popular Science | Jan 23, 2023
How companies greenwash their plastic pollution

Washington Post | Jan 19, 2023

Single-use coffee pods have surprising environmental benefits over other brewing methods

The New York Times | Sep 1, 2022

Why Do Some People in New Jersey Suddenly Have Bags and Bags of Bags?
Time | Sep 27, 2021
Reusable Packaging Is the Latest Eco-Friendly Trend. But Does It Actually Make a Difference?

Consumer Reports | Sep 8, 2021

The Big Problem With Plastic

Anthropocene – Daily Science | Jul 15, 2021

Think reusable straws, wraps, and cups are always better for the environment? Think again.
NPR’s Marketplace | Apr 27, 2021
Survey finds consumers are concerned about waste from fast-food containers
Futurity | Oct 29, 2020
5 Myths about Single-Use Plastic

Popular Science | Oct 28, 2020

Reusable grocery bags aren’t as environmentally friendly as you might think

Food and Agriculture

Related Research Projects

“It’s a false sense of security thinking we can waste food because we’re composting it.  Reducing your overall edible food waste is much more important”

Consumer Reports interview

The New York Times | Mar 18, 2023

The Secret Behind Japan’s Delicious Strawberries: Kerosene

BBC Future | Jun 17, 2021

The truth about processed foods’ environmental impact

The Guardian | Jul 3, 2020

US rivers and lakes are shrinking for a surprising reason: cows

WIRED | May 9, 2020

Is Online Grocery Shopping Better for the Planet?

Grist | May 1, 2020

Jeff Bezos says ordering groceries online is better for the planet. Is he right?
Christian Science Monitor | Apr 2, 2020
Locavores were resetting the American table. Then came a pandemic.
Forbes | May 13, 2019

Air Conditioning and Refrigeration

Related Research Projects

“Just because we have access to renewable technologies doesn’t give us a blank check to spend energy.”

Scientific American interview

Audubon | Jul 7, 2022

How Air-Conditioning Creates a Climate Conundrum

Knowable Magazine | Apr 12, 2022

Rethinking air conditioning amid climate change